Working with my closest friends makes my job a joy. Laughing together every single day makes me excited to get to work. I look forward to the coffee talk, lunch together and celebrating each other’s birthdays. When we have dull professional developments, it’s nice to have someone to look at and make faces.
My work friends make me a better teacher because we bounce ideas off each other, share lessons that worked and have more fun while being productive.
Never have I ever laughed so hard as I do with my work friends. We share the same job so it’s easier to relate to experiences that have to do with teaching first graders. What other profession dresses up as much as an elementary teacher? Have you every driven to work dressed as a unicorn?
Work friends encourage each other, are more committed and better at communicating. The most beautiful thing that I notice is that being a teacher guarantees life-long friendships. There’s a group of teachers that get together and have dinner once a month. Some are retired some are still teaching. They get together and lift each other up. This is a job that promises friendship and camaraderie. Don’t be afraid to make friends at your job…it will serve you well and last you a lifetime.