Three generations of fashion lovers ventured to Oklahoma City to see Edith Head: Hollywood’s costume designer exhibit on the last day it was showing. This exhibit was too fragile to travel. Imagining all these beautiful pieces going back into their treasure box makes us feel so lucky that we could see them in person. Thank you to OKCMOA for hosting Edith Head’s treasures.

Edith Head was famous for wearing sunglasses. Did you know that her trademark glasses had custom, blue-tinted lenses, which allowed her to see how the costumes photographed in black and white? This was a trick used by costume designers during the Golden Age of Hollywood. It certainly gave her a trademark look and I love knowing that it also served a purpose for her creativity.
She worked with famous actresses like Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly…our favorites! Head had said, “If I had to pick a favorite actress, it would be Grace Kelly.” They had a long-lasting friendship and kept in touch through letters. Seeing Grace Kelly’s organza accordion-pleated black cocktail dress from Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” was unforgettable. It was so nice to have an association with the movie and actress.

“What a costume designer does is a cross between magic and camouflage. We create the illusion of changing the actors into what they are not.” ~Edith Head