The last several months I’ve made dozens batches of jelly. Our pantry is always stocked with Certo and I’ve been experimenting with the fruits of the season. In August, it’s peaches!
School started last week and for my first grade team, I gave them each a jar of peach jelly…wishing them a peach of a year. It was a truly challenging being back at school during this time in our world…but that’s another story. Making jelly has been one of my bright spots…I’m doing my best to focus on those bright spots and share them with others.
If you want your kitchen to smell good and your neighbors to love you and PB&Js and breakfast to be more interesting, try a batch! Last week, one of my neighbors stopped me in my car and asked if he could come by to get another jar!
On my third batch of peach jelly, I had a brilliant idea…how about adding some Peach Schnapps in with the lemon juice. The result was…AMAZING!!
I found the sweetest stickers on Zazzle to make this peach jelly even more special.

- 5 cups peaches
- 5 cups granulated sugar
- juice of one lemon
- 2 T Peach Schnapps
- 2 pouches (6oz) Certo
- optional vanilla bean
- Blend the peaches with the lemon juice and Schnapps. Add them to a large pot.
- Pour sugar to the pot and start whisking till they dissolve in the mixture.
- Boil the mixture while constantly stirring with a metal spoon. It needs to come to a rapid boil…so high that you think it’s going to overflow.
- Turn off the heat and skim off the appearing foam with a metal spoon.
- Start filling the freshly cleaned mason jars with jelly one at a time with a wide-mouth funnel. Clean the residue from the jar’s exterior with another metal spoon.
- Check the lids for seal…listen for the pop. When they are sealed, store the jars in a pantry or kitchen cabinet until you’re ready to gift them. Enjoy!
Wishing you a peach of a school year!
P.S. Strawberry jelly is still one of my favorites. Stay tuned for the jellies of fall.