Anytime is a magical time to visit Walt Disney World, but from early November through a little after the New Year, is the most magical time of all.
Cinderella’s castle is breathtaking when it transforms into a wintry ice castle at night. Each Christmas tree you see is more beautiful than the one before. Our favorite Christmas experience was the time spent at Epcot. It was so much fun to learn about Christmas traditions from each country that we strolled through.
Disney World has such a dreamy effect on people…it truly is one of the happiest places for the whole family. One of the most memorable times was riding the carousel with my children (here). Visiting during the holidays was extra special…the enchanting fireworks, parades, candle-lit ceremonies and every detail of the festive decorations is dressed to the nines.
Walt Disney World is HUGE! Of course, we didn’t do it all but we came away with some magical memories. This time of year is a wonderful time to visit. Have you been before? If so, what’s on your “tops” list? Here’s our family TOP FIVE of activities, rides and restaurants that we enjoyed.
Bibbity Bobbity Boutique (Downtown Disney & Magic Kingdom) If you have a little girl who loves princesses, this is a dream come true. A Fairy Godmother-in-training will magically transform your daughter into the princess of her choice.
Meeting Santa at his Chalet (Downtown Disney) Santa seemed so at home in Disney World…I think he vacations here.
Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party (Magic Kingdom) Fireworks, Mickey AND Santa!!
IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth (Epcot) “Let there be Peace on Earth” finale narrated by Walter Cronkite gave me goosebumps…beautiful! You can get a fantastic view from anywhere that you stand.
Jedi Training Academy (Disney’s Hollywood Studios) A 20 minute training where junior jedi knights learn to use the force.
Soarin’ (Epcot) Soarin’ through California was just how I imagine hang-gliding would be. We loved this ride so much we rode it twice. The bonus was, while you wait in line there are interactive games to play on huge digital projection screens.
It’s a Small World (Magic Kingdom) The singing children from around the globe made me smile when I was a child and it was my daughter’s favorite ride. This classic 60’s ride was made in support of UNICEF and has remained popular.
The Seas with Nemo (Epcot) We loved riding a “clamobile” searching for Nemo through the vivid coral reefs.
Space Mountain (Magic Kingdom) This was my son’s favorite ride. A rocket that launches you deep into the pitch black depths of outer space.
Haunted Mansion (Magic Kingdom) Riding a doom buggy was exciting, especially when we caught a glimpse of ghosts hitching a ride. This supernatural journey was through an 18th century estate full of 999 ghosts.
Akershus (Epcot) My little girl was beyond excited when Snow White, Cinderella, Belle, Aurora and Ariel visited our dining table. Ariel asked her to lead the Princess Procession…I thought she might faint! The Norwegian dinner was delicious. We enjoyed Norwegian smoked salmon and Scandinavian meatballs (kjottkaker) almost as much as the Princesses.
Coral Reef (Epcot) The panoramic windows gave us an incredible view of sharks, turtles and fish. It was like eating in the ocean.
Biergarten (Epcot) My husband’s favorite meal of the trip was here! The food was fabulous and so was the entertainment. My son was asked to light the Christmas tree after they danced to several oompah songs…Silent Night and the history behind it.
Cinderella’s Royal Table (Magic Kingdom) The stained-glass windows that overlook Fantasyland give a spectacular view (make your reservations early).
Earl of Sandwich (Downtown Disney) The best sandwiches and a nice lunch break that’s easy and relaxed.
Dancing to the oompah beat of a the German band at the Biergarten. Our favorite meal of the trip.
My daughter getting a princess hair-style. She chose the “Holiday Minnie.”
One of the most memorable times was riding the carousel with my children (here).
How cool are these jelly fish? A view from our “clamobile” searching for Nemo.
Joyeux Noel from France in Epcot!
After waiting a loooong time, someone was truly excited to finally be next for the Peter Pan ride.
The Disney app was very helpful and we were very grateful we made dinner reservations early. Wishing you lots of Disney magic! xxI would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope they were entertained. ~Walt Disney