This Eisenhower photo with Snoopy ran in 1998. Read what Charles Schulz says about this particular D-Day strip:
“Of all my D-Day cartoons, this Sunday page created the most interest from readers, who remarked that it was often the only reference to that momentous day of June 6, 1944, in their newspapers. Most gratifyingly, I heard from those in the picture and still with us, family members, and friends of the men talking with General Eisenhower.”
The photograph itself was taken just before these men of the 101st Airborne Division parachuted into Normandy.
My great uncle, John Edward Shaughnessy, is the man at the far right in this famous picture. His children and the rest of our family are very proud to know that his service to our country was memorialized in such an iconic image that gave hope and pride to so many Americans at home.