When I told my daughter Zooey that I was coaching her team for Battle of the Books she said, “Mommy, you HAVE to make it FUN!” I think that it was pretty easy to accomplish her wish because the books WERE so much fun. Battle of the Books is a school program that began in the 1930’s to …
Comment on Happy Birthday to my Grandmother!!
Your grandmother sounds like quite a woman! What a lovely image of all four generations together. So few of us have such joy in our lives. Thanks for sharing.
Little Sous Chefs
LAST weekend when my husband told our children that we were going to be making pizza, it sounded something like this, “YESSSS! I wanna help. Where’s my apron? Can I pull up a chair to stand on? Can I snack on the cheese? I wanna put on the green olives!” The house was buzzing with excitement …
Happy Birthday Little Sister!!
Happy Birthday Paige!! Little sister, musician and merrymaker! My little sister Paige is my favorite person to laugh with. Earlier this year I called her laughing so hysterically that I couldn’t even speak. She patiently waited (while laughing with me) until stopped giggling hard enough to share with her what was so funny. If I …
Happy Birthday Dad!!
Happy Birthday Dad! Coach, Tar Heel football player, singer and more. My Dad’s signature phrase is, “Give great effort!” It’s become my motto in life and anyone that is around him feels inspired to “give great effort” too. He’s a terrific grandfather and dad. My children call him “Coach!” It’s the perfect name for him because he coached most of …
I Had a Favorite Dress: dear mama can make it work
Growing up I thought my mother was magical because she could sew. I remember her sewing me a red dress with red roses in the first grade. She seemed to make it overnight…in fact, I think she did! It was my favorite dress when I was six. When my friend Margot was four, she remembers …
The Pen is mightier than the whiteboard
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the TCEA conference (Texas Computer Education Association) in Austin. TCEA is the leading state organization committed to the use of technology in education. Many of my fellow teachers who had attended previously gave me a forewarning, suggesting that I would be so overwhelmed with the amount of …
Pen Pals: Writing Letters That Capture Innocent Whispers
Did you ever have a pen pal when you were younger? I had several and I’m sad to say that I’ve lost touch with most of them. I remember skipping back to the house after checking the mailbox when I was younger and I couldn’t wait to open my letter from my pen pal Susanna …
Pen Pals: Writing Letters That Capture Innocent WhispersRead More
A Blog with “Class”
Writing is something I can remember enjoying since I was in the second grade. I’ve always kept a journal; blogging has replaced my journal and made me a more thoughtful writer. I still prefer to pick up a pen than to type and most of the time I still do. I find my thoughts …
Live, Laugh, Love
There are many celebratory songs that can make us smile and feel grateful for where we are now in life. For me, one of the most popular may be Celebrate good times come on! Let’s celebrate We hear that song at most weddings. For my friend, Laurie, celebrating ten years of being cancer free, I …
Hubbard Street Dance Company Comes to Dallas
When I was twenty years-old, I auditioned for Hubbard Street Dance Company . I was majoring in dance at the University of Alabama and three other of my Alabama dance major friends traveled to Dallas together to audition for Hubbard Street at the Booker T. Washington High School. I remember being so nervous; stretching and …
A hand-written thank you note is a little treasure that won’t be forgotten
A letter in the mail is a gift! Thank you notes can be an art form. Consider the stationary, the penmanship (you can see personality in someone’s handwriting), the formulation of thoughtful words, even the choice of stamp is a special detail. A hand-written card is a little treasure and it is not forgotten. …
A hand-written thank you note is a little treasure that won’t be forgottenRead More