Have you ever been delayed and stuck at the airport just dying to get home? Here are some tips and side notes I have now accumulated after experiencing the worst travel delay ever!! (1) A glass of wine really does solve everything! (2) It pays to be an American Express platinum member to take …
Cherish the many faces of love
What is a soul mate? The dictionary says it is: One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity. I am quite certain we have more than one soul mate! We are full of all kinds of love; the love for our children, parents, significant other, friends, spiritual love… Ahh love! …
Birthday Monsters
You’re not awake. It’s 6 o’clock. You hear a ring. You hear KNOCK KNOCK. You hear the door come crashing down- THE BIRTHDAY MONSTERS ARE IN TOWN!” This is the beginning of my daughter’s favorite book of the moment, Birthday Monsters! By Sandra Boynton. Zooey recently turned three and our house was visited by the …
Julia Child and food for thought
“Julia Child said, “I see every recipe as a little short story.” What an inspiration she was! She had a zest for life! As the French say, joie de vivre! This blog is for anyone who cares about food, cooking, and friendship. Blogging is like having a weekly lunch with girlfriends and writing about what …
Hallo, Auf Wiedersehen and Doitashimashite
Learning Language Breeds HumilityCulture is a passion of mine! I am very proud to be an American, but have always felt a desire to explore other places. Learning about a different culture other than your own makes a person more worldly and open to new ideas, people, food, language…I think parents want more for their …
Yogalites (Yoga and Pilates) unite!
Yoga and Pilates…competitors? Yes, but also a great team with a lot in common. Do they attract different personalities? Yes! The stereotype Pilates person is a regimented perfectionist (this was Joseph Pilates to the T). The stereotype yoga person is a free spirit! Yoga compliments Pilates with breath, flexibility, balance, concentration, and meditation. The two …
Give great effort, not a false sense of confidence
As a parent, elementary teacher, and Pilates instructor I see a generation of kids being given a false sense of confidence. Can YOU do anything perfectly? No, well neither can your children. Children are too often being praised for something they don’t do well. Why not encourage them to work harder! This is what …